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Lingzhong Fan, MD  

Brainnetome Center and National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition

Institute of Automation

Chinese Academy of Sciences  

Beijing 100190, China  

Phone: +86 10 8254 4523  


Email: lingzhong.fan@nlpr.ia.ac.cn or  



  • 2005.09-2010.12 M.D. in Human Sectional and Imaging Anatomy, School of Medicine, Shandong University  
  • 2008.09-2009.10 Visiting student, McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill university  
  • 2000.09-2005.07 B.S. in Clinical Medicine, Binzhou Medical College 

Work Experience: 

  • 2014.10- present Associate Professor at Brainnetome Center, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences  
  • 2013.05-2014.09 Assistant Professor at Brainnetome Center, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences  
  • 2011.02-2013.04 Postdoctoral researcher at National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences 

Research Interests 

  • Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging  
  • Brain atlas and Connectivity-based brain parcellation  
  • Map the brain networks for mental illnesses 

Selected Publications(Google Scholar Page ) 

  • 1. Fan, L., Li, H., Zhuo, J., Zhang, Y., Wang, J., Chen, L., Yang, Z., Chu, C., Xie, S, Laird, A.R., Fox, P.T., Eickhoff, S.B., Yu,C., Jiang, T. (2016) The Human Brainnetome Atlas: A New Brain Atlas Based on Connectional Architecture. Cerebral Cortex,26(8):3508-26.  
  • 2. Fan, L., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Han, W., Yu, C., Jiang, T. (2014) Connectivity-based parcellation of the human temporal pole using diffusion tensor imaging. Cerebral Cortex, 24:3365-78.  
  • 3. Fan, L., Li, H.,Yu, S, Jiang, T. (2016) Brainnetome Atlas and its Potential Applications to Brain-inspired Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS), DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-50862-7_1.  
  • 4. Fan, L., Li, H.,Yu, S., Jiang, T. (2016) Brainnetome Atlas and its Potential Applications to Brain-inspired Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS), DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-50862-7_1.  
  • 5. Fan, L., Tang, Y., Sun, B., Gong, G., Chen, Z.J., Lin, X., Yu, T., Li, Z., Evans, A.C., Liu, S. (2010) Sexual dimorphism and asymmetry in human cerebellum: an MRI-based morphometric study. Brain Research, 1353:60-73.  
  • 6. Zhuo, J., Fan, L., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Yu, C., Jiang, T. (2016) Connectivity Profiles Reveal a Transition Subarea in the Parahippocampal Region That Integrates the Anterior Temporal–Posterior Medial Systems. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(9): 2782-2795. (Co-first Author).  
  • 7. Chu, C., Fan, L., Eickhoff, C. R., Liu, Y., Yang, Y., Eickhoff, S. B., Jiang, T. (2015). "Co-activation Probability Estimation (CoPE): An approach for modeling functional co-activation architecture based on neuroimaging coordinates." NeuroImage 117: 397-407.(Co-first Author).  
  • 8. Yang, Y., Fan, L., C. Chu, C., Zhuo, J., Wang, J., Fox, P.T., Eickhoff, S.B., Jiang, T. (2015). Identifying functional subdivisions in the human brain using meta-analytic activation modeling-based parcellation. NeuroImage. 124, 300-309 . (Co-first Author).  
  • 9. Wang, J., Fan, L., Wang, Y., Xu, W., Jiang, T., Fox, P.T., Eickhoff, S.B., Yu, C., Jiang, T. (2015) Determination of the posterior boundary of Wernicke's area based on multimodal connectivity profiles. Human Brain Mapping.(Co-first Author).  
  • 10. Wang, J., Fan, L., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Jiang, D., Zhang, Y., Yu, C., Jiang, T. (2012) Tractography-based parcellation of the human left inferior parietal lobule. NeuroImage, 63:641-52. (Co-first Author)